
$0.99 Flannel films during the Flannel Thanksgiving Sale!

Post a Comment » Written on November 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Announcements, Resources

The Flannel Thanksgiving Sale runs from November 26 through December 3.

It’s time for our annual Thanksgiving Sale! It starts today and runs for one week. Download any BASIC, Ed’s Story, True Beauty, or NOOMA film for just $0.99. We have even better deals if you purchase the entire bundle (the …

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Ministry Internship & Job Fair


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Post a Comment » Written on November 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Resources

protect-bookletby Adam Butler

The ECC PROTECT Resource is an exciting way for church leaders to help their congregations be informed and active in the fight against human trafficking.

The ECC Human Trafficking Task Force developed PROTECT and a companion presentation …

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Stories permeate student ministry

Post a Comment » Written on November 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Reflection, Speaker Team
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by Kyle Thomsentho_kyl

“…we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony…”

Stories permeate student ministry. We tell funny stories, Bible stories, and always challenge people to share “their” story. Everyone loves when a …

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How Long Will I Cry?: Voices of Youth Violence

Post a Comment » Written on November 13th, 2013     
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Harvey_How_Long_cover_1I’m also cautious of the dudes who hang on the corner… But I can’t snap on them like that because I don’t know what they got. Plus I get kind of scared when I tell them no because I don’t

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Seeking Justice

Post a Comment » Written on November 4th, 2013     
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This is a great new resource by Brian Cress of International Justice Mission in Washington, D.C.

10-Minute Moments: Seeking Justice will give you a biblical foundation for making a lasting, life-changing difference in this world. You’ll discover how God loves …

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Post a Comment » Written on October 30th, 2013     
Filed under: Camps, Center for Youth Ministry Studies, Events, YM Network
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On October 4th, a group of High School students participated in a wonderful leadership experience known as Emerge!Print

Emerge is a High school leadership initiative developed by the Covenant for high school students and hosted by the Pacific …

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S.L.A.M. Trips

Post a Comment » Written on October 29th, 2013     
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“Everyone on earth should do a S.L.A.M. Trip for so many reasons. The staff is full of conviction, you get the opportunity to work hard, and you get the invaluable experience of broadening your understanding of the world through powerful

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YWU Prayer request

Post a Comment » Written on October 23rd, 2013     
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Please join us in praying for those who faithfully serve the Lord at the Pacific Southwest Conference.

We are thankful for those who give their time and talents to the welfare of young people. May God give them wisdom, …

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Create Your Own Sticky Faith Stories

Post a Comment » Written on October 21st, 2013     
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What does a good story have to do with lifelong faith in teenagers?

Perhaps more than you’d think.

Several Covenant congregations have been participating in Sticky Faith Cohorts with the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI). Research shows that 40-50% of youth …

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