This article was originally posted on Pete and Cindy Ekstrand’s blog.

Thanks to the partnership between the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS) and Community Covenant Church in Scotts Valley, CA, fields of corn are growing well in South Sudan.
Community Covenant initiated an agricultural project with the ECCSS several years ago and this is the beautiful result. Yes, there have been some delays along the way, including the need to fence the property, but through patience and persistence the corn is growing.
The ECCSS comments on this project, “The farm is progressing well with a lot of maize seedlings and has become one of the outstanding farms that people who passed by the road use to call ” the Malakal Governor’s farm,” because it is the biggest farm in the area. There are other ECCSS farms in other counties which are also cultivated by the same [Community Covenant] initiative.
“We appreciate your efforts and vigorous commitment and love to support the agriculture work in South Sudan. South Sudan is the youngest nation of the world with vast natural resources which were not utilized, [and] so far is one of the leading hungriest nations of the world. More than 75% of its total population live under $1 per day and the majority of the people of the war ravaged [country] live under a single meal per day. Therefore, this is the country that needs the efforts of all compassionates who should do all their bests to save the marginalize and the poorest people who survive under such a dire situation.”
Thank you Community Covenant Church for your commitment to Sudan. Thank you ECCSS for your diligent efforts in farming. We pray that the seed would produce one hundred fold and beyond.
John Marienau Turpin
September 1, 2011ECCS and CCC Scotts Valley,
Thank you for this initiative. I had the pleasure of meeting two ECC pastors and a deaconess in Malakal three weeks ago at a multi-denominational church leadership conference. And I can’t be sure, but I think I may have seen this farm (and fence) as well. South Sudan is not suffering the same drought as Kenya and Somalia, but early rains in Malakal have been light and the border with the north is closed to trade, so good harvests like this one will be very valuable.
We continue to pray for Malakal and Upper Nile, and thank you for your prayers and hard work.
John Marienau Turpin
African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM)-South Sudan
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