I would not be surprised if this song continues to be a regular in our worship vocabulary, because it touched the congregation so deeply.
This also got me thinking. This is how songs shape us. A moving song reflects God’s work in our midst, and then lives on to shape the language by which we relate to God in the future. In the future, people in our church will relate to God with the metaphor of peace in the midst of “chaos,” in part because they related to this girl’s experience as expressed in song – and the way they experienced God in the musical retelling of the story.
This song, and the way we experienced it, will influence our theology.
If you tell me the song themes your church sings the most right now, I’ll tell you what your church’s core theology will be in the future. We become what we sing.
What do you think? Do you disagree with this idea? Why?
What songs were present in significant spiritual moments in your life? How did those ideas shape the Christian you became?
Or the big picture questions: What songs are your church singing the most right now? How will those songs shape the future core theology of the Covenant church?
And the flip side question: what core theological ideas we hold as priorities now will lose influence in the future because we do not sing about them?
Rooting for you,
I learned in theology class: Lex orandi, lex credendi– the rule of prayer forms the rule of faith. Meaning, our worship language shapes our beliefs about God. Absolutely! I started to think about theology when I was about 12, because I was enraptured by Wesley’s language in the carol Hark the Herald Angels Sing. That song taught me more about God than any Sunday school class had taught me thus far.
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06.03.09 at 5:29 pm
Agree 100%. That is why we need to be very intentional about what we select. I like some melodies, but the lyric leaves something to be desired (for our local church). There are some themes (The Blood of Christ,Unity of the Spirit, Salvific Grace, etc.) that are universal, but there are others that are either informed by or direct the theology of the local congregation.
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07.20.09 at 6:52 pm