May 2010 Monthly Prayer Bulletin

(Photo: One of the great experiences of home assignment is for our children to meet their cousins!  In this shot, taken on April 18th, Tim’s sister Kris and her husband Dan, along with their children Philip and Stephanie, were able to come to Hope Covenant Church in Orland Park where we were visiting that day. It gave us a chance to get reunited after many years.)

Dear prayer partners,

Greetings from Geneva, IL where we have all been back together as a family for about a month now. We are loving the green of spring all around us and reveling in a relaxed pace of life. Here are a few highlights:


We feel like many prayers have been truly answered concerning the children’s education needs. Thank you for praying! Sam is having the easiest time (we think) as he came well prepared for an American classroom from his years at the Christian Academy in Tokyo. He’s also busy being certified in a Red Cross lifesaving program at a nearby pool. Lilla is probably having to learn the most at the fastest pace as she gets used to middle school here in the US. Computer skills, new topics and vocabulary, a VERY different culture from her Japanese school experience, watching carefully for what is acceptable fashion and behavior (you know, the normal middle school anxieties and challenges) …..all of these make up her busy days – but she really seems to be enjoying it. Sky has stated that “I like going to school”, “I like riding the school bus”, “I like my teacher”, and “There are no bullies in my class” ….all statements that bring us smiles and relief and seem to accurately represent his fun-filled days at school.


Just kidding. Andrea and I are finding a happy mix of catching up on things like medical and dental appointments… along with walks, shopping, working together at trying to figure out new things on the computer, some weed pulling in the yard and playing with the kids. While we continue to visit supporting churches in the Chicago-land area each Sunday we are finding it very restful to have these quiet days in this lovely town. Again, thanks for praying about our balance of work and play……


Last month we mentioned the need for Pastor and Mrs. Miyamoto to receive a religious visa through the American Embassy in Tokyo in order to work as short term missionaries with the C3 Covenant Church in the greater Detroit area. Their mission will be to cooperate with C3 in reaching out to thousands of Japanese living in the Detroit area who are there because of their connections to the auto industry. LAST WEEK WE RECEIVED WORD THAT THE VISA HAD BEEN GRANTED!  This is a HUGE prayer answer and gives the final green light for them to prepare to head for Michigan. We don’t have all the details yet as to their actual departure and schedule but we just want to say thank you for your part in praying about it over this past month. We’ll keep you updated as plans move forward.


  1. Thanks Lord for our children’s good school experiences here in Geneva,IL
  2. For our visits with supporting churches and individuals  (May 14-25 Tim will be in Minnesota visiting several of our ministry partners)
  3. For the Detroit Short Term Mission Project – Thank you Lord for the visas for the Miyamotos.Your partners in prayer and mission,

Tim & Andrea Johnson

Sam, Lilla & Sky

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