Transformed by the Word

This article was originally posted on Tom and Janice Kelly’s blog. They are Covenant missionaries to Mexico.

During the month of June, it was my privilege to lead a weekly Bible study for thirty-five women at the Cuautitlán Izcalli Covenant Church.  Theme:  Transformed by the Word

Weekly topics: praying Scripture, Scripture in everyday life, Psalms, and the questions of Jesus. Each study included time for both group and personal reflection.

A highlight for the women was their group’s dramatic representation of one of the five Psalms we had studied. They used whatever props were at hand in the meeting room.  The group in the photo below acted out Psalm 91 (“Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to him, ‘You are my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust.’. . .”).

These are just a few of the comments shared with me after the sessions:

  • “After taking time to be quiet and reflect on Scripture passages, I realize that I talk way too much and lots of what I say isn’t really that important.  I am trying to be a better listener, to talk less,  and to be more thoughtful when I do talk.
  • When we meditated on the passage in John 15 about Jesus saying we are his friends, God touched my heart in a tender way.  I have such a different understanding now about my relationship with God. We are friends!
  • When we talked about Scripture in everyday life, I chose to focus on my employee ID badge.  Now whenever I put it on, it reminds me that my true identity is in Christ, that I am God’s daughter.
  • When our group was planning how we would act out our Psalm, we really had to pay attention and think about what the words meant.  When we actually acted it out, the meaning  struck me in a refreshing, deeper way that has lasted.
  • Jesus’ question to his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” really got to me.  I realize that what I am saying about who Jesus is doesn’t match what is in my heart.  I’m very dry spiritually right now and I am using the “right” words so the dryness doesn’t show.  Do you think we could talk about this another day?

Yes, transformed by the Word!

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