Author Archives: admin
Work where you can and when you can
As 2011 begins, and here in Colombia they are still getting into the rhythm of the new year, we, too, have been setting the groundwork for the coming year of ministry and partnering in ministry. This often means that wherever …
Pastor here, Pastor gone
Carlos Diaz, (on the far right in the picture above) has been in leadership of the Shalom Covenant Christian Community, beginning as a worship leader and then as the Pastor for more than 20 years. This last Sunday was a …
Christmas with One daughter
We had thought, for a while, that 2010 would be our first Christmas without any of our children at home with us. We were preparing ourselves for this happening, something that all families probably face and go through, but we …
CWR — and chicken coops
Sergio is carrying the first eggs received from some of the chickens (they are just beginning to be big enough to lay their eggs) at the Foundation Belen Children’s Rehab Ranch Egg Project. Covenant World Relief partnered with Foundation Belen …
CWR and little children
CWR – Covenant World Relief – Socorro Mundial del Pacto (in Colombia) came and visited the sights of their partnership with the Little Grains of Life ministry in El Pinal and La Libertad. Lots of little kids are getting ready …