Stepping forward in complete surrender and faith …..
The Lord says “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Ps 32:8
Before I update you all on what’s been happening and what is going to be happening (as much as I know at this moment); I want to say Thank You. Thank you for your support, your prayers, thank you for everything. There has been so much done over the past few months that I am sure I don’t even know all what has been looked after. But I have been looked after, cared for; and continue to be. And I am grateful for your loving kindness and care. I continue to learn to receive and allow others to care for me. There are some of you who know better than I do what I need. I am reminded often that I cannot do this on my own
I had taken the past month rest, discern, and begin healing. I was able to take intentional time in Norquay, Saskatchewan (how many of you have to look on a map for this?) with wonderful friends. I enjoyed God’s paintbrush and reflected and learned (learning) to Be Still and listen. I was asked there to share about ‘where I am at on this journey’. Well, I can’t tell you where I’m at on this journey; at the beginning or 1/3 of the way there; I can only tell you that I am IN the journey. And as I reflect further, we are all in this journey, and this journey is life; life that has many different seasons. For myself this is a season of intense grief and learning to stand again. Discovering everyday, firsts, without Max. Walking forward, in faith, into a life I could not have ever imagined having to do.

Last year, in the middle Patagonia, God called Max and I; individually to serve Him. After much prayer and discernment we said YES. On September 13, the look of my future changed. I hesitate to say drastically. On the one hand; absolutely, my whole world was turned upside down when Max passed away. We had surrendered, together, and were stepping into the missions field, together. That is what I say ‘the look of my future changed’. God has confirmed for me His call on my life. Missions. Argentine. And I still say YES. So yes, the look of my future that I had envisioned has drastically changed; but the future that I have been called to has not.
A friend has a fridge magnet that says ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’. I am so far out of my comfort zone that there is no turning back, only moving forward. I know Max is smiling.
I have such wonderful support with Serve Globally and we are walking together and learning together the pathway of grief and missions. I have been so encouraged by our discussions. Discussions about missions, licensing, language studies, Argentina. I don’t have dates for when I leave Canada to begin any of this, but I’ve already started online language and, with a close prayer team, we are praying through the timing for going to Argentina. I will be at Midwinter in Chicago and would love to connect with any of you who might be in the area.
You will begin to see things updated over the next few months. The blog, our… now my information, the online presence. Thank you for your patience during this time. I want to honour Max and his passion for missions and for Argentina as I do this.
During this time of transition and change, I want to be open and clear regarding the financial aspects of my new journey. Serve Globally is working on new budget numbers for me and funds still go to the ECC/ECCC to be held and used for ministry. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider continuing or beginning to support me financially. You can always pledge to begin support once a date has been determined. Your ministry support will be a part of determining the departure date.
For those of you who have questions about missions in Argentina, support, or anything else; please contact me. It gives me hope; hope for the future to share and talk about this.
I also want to take this time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Prayer and Praise Items
Praise for the completion of the house sale
Praise and gratefulness for all those who helped with sorting, moving, meals, vehicle repairs, everything
Prayer for strength during this holiday season – prayer for all who are grieving, who are suffering, who are ill and for their families
Prayer for the discernment and guidance – departure dates and fundraising
IPEA – Iglesia del Pacto Evangelical Argentina -as we learn together how this new mission looks
Support Options….
From Canada:
Mail your donation:
Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO Box 23117
RPO McGillivray, Winnippeg, MB
R3T 5S3
write “Global-Argentina” in memo
– select Global Argentina
Now online at …
From USA
Evangelical Covenant Church
8303 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
write “Colleen Nahnychuk Support” in memo
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