Sojourners Article

2 comments Written on October 17th, 2008     
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My friend and fellow Covenant pastor, Eugene Cho made the cover of Sojourners! And more importantly, the article gives reason for hope! Check it out.

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Thursday, October 16th

1 Comment » Written on October 16th, 2008     
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Today was another busy day for sports in the Peterson family.

Miles and I drove to Denver early this morning to the Colorado High School Boys 5A Championship Tournament. He was playing in the 1st singles division which meant he …

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Tuesday, October 14th

Post a Comment » Written on October 14th, 2008     
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Kendra’s volleyball team had a game tonight against Air Academy and won in straight sets. Kendra played well and we enjoyed cheering. The J.V. and Varsity teams went on to win their games as well.

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Upcoming Church Visits

Post a Comment » Written on October 14th, 2008     
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Jim will be preaching and talking about the ministries in Japan in some local Colorado Covenant churches in the coming weeks.
October 19th — Faith Covenant, Colorado Springs
October 26th — Centennial Covenant, Littleton
November 9th — Relevant

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Saturday, October 11th

Post a Comment » Written on October 12th, 2008     
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Saturday was a busy day for Eli. In the morning he played in the last football game of the season. They were up against the best team in the league and hoped to put an end to their opponents’ undefeated …

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Thursday, October 9th

Post a Comment » Written on October 10th, 2008     
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Miles and his tennis team mates competed in the regionals on Wednesday and Thursday at a country club in Denver. He was the 2nd seed and had a bye in the first round. Then he took on the third seed …

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Sunday, Oct. 5

Post a Comment » Written on October 10th, 2008     
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On Sunday afternoon Eli had two basketball games. He plays on a club team for 7th graders that is part of the Southern Colorado (SoCo) fall league. They won their first game by just a couple points and then lost …

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Saturday, Oct. 4

Post a Comment » Written on October 10th, 2008     
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Today Kendra’s volleyball team played in a season end tournament at a nearby school. Kendra plays on the Doherty High School C-team. There were about 16 teams competing in the tournament and Kendra’s team met their arch nemesis, the Palmer …

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Friday, Oct. 3

Post a Comment » Written on October 10th, 2008     
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Today Miles played in the Colorado Public Schools District Eleven 5A league tournament. None of his tough competitors were in this tournament so he finished the day unblemished, with three wins and a first place in the 1st singles category. …

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Fall Colors

Post a Comment » Written on October 10th, 2008     
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On October 1st I took a drive in the Rockies to enjoy the fall colors. It was a beautiful day and the aspens were at their peak near the famous gold mining towns of Victor and Cripple Creek.

You can …

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