Festival of Homiletics: Day Four

Post a Comment » Written on May 22nd, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

This day started out with an incredible treat. Fred Craddock preached the title, “What Shall I Do With the Gift?” And what a gift it was! He is as sharp as ever. Absolutely wonderful! All preachers struggle with the difficulty …

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Festival of Homiletics: Day Three

Post a Comment » Written on May 21st, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

Another great day! 

The first preacher was Michael Curry and he spoke from John 1:8, borrowing Long’s concept of preaching as a witness. He reminded us that we need to move away from the production business, which puts value on …

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Festival of Homiletics: Day 2

Post a Comment » Written on May 21st, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

Tuesday began with more gems from Barbara Brown Taylor… you should have seen the line for her book signing during the coffee break! She was followed by Teresa L. Fry-Brown and then Thomas Long took the podium and WOW!!! 

Long …

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2009 Festival of Homiletics

Post a Comment » Written on May 18th, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

I flew into Atlanta today to attend the 2009 Festival of Homiletics. You can read more about it at GoodPreacher.com

The opening session this evening was packed with fantastic content. Musical performances ranged from Gospel to Classical, Folk and Jazz. …

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Lenten Journey with the Poor

Post a Comment » Written on April 14th, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment, politics

Last Thursday, which was Maundy Thursday in Holy Week, I participated in an event sponsored by the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission called the Lenten Journey with the Poor. We spent the day walking around downtown Colorado Springs, visiting …

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Wet Washington

2 comments Written on March 16th, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

I’m on my way back to Colorado Springs after 17 days in Washington State; and in all fairness, it only rained about half of those 17 days, so by local standards it would be fair to say the whether was …

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Embracing Public Transportation

Post a Comment » Written on February 28th, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment

Well, this may sound like a bit of a rant but…

I flew into Seattle today and used public transportation (buses) to get to my destination in Everett. Maybe this is stereotypical, but my image of Seattle is of a …

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A Very Warm Week!

Post a Comment » Written on February 23rd, 2009     
Filed under: missions

Hydi and I had the privilege of attending the Covenant Asia Missionary Retreat in Chantaburi, Thailand last week! We flew from Colorado Springs to Bangkok via LA and Tokyo on Feb. 13th and after a late night arrival and overnight …

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A Really Cold Week

Post a Comment » Written on February 18th, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

I flew to Chicago on January 31st and drove a rented car down to Lafayette, IN. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the Evangelical Covenant Church where I preached on Sunday morning and met with church members over lunch. This …

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Holidays in California

Post a Comment » Written on January 10th, 2009     
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We got off to an early morning start from Colorado Springs on December 20th and by night fall we were at the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.  We spent the night in the park and got up early the …

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