Science Practicals ….Practice makes Perfect?

One of the most time consuming activities for whoever is teaching Grade 10 students at RFIS is preparing them to take their IGCSE practical exam.  Our students take (mainly in 10th grade) externally set exams which are set by an …

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You know you are at an MK school in the tropics when….

….the rain pours down and the students don’t run for cover but run into the rain.




It doesn’t matter if it is a chapel day and they are still dressed up – they simply toss the shoes …

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April Showers – we get flowers in April in Cameroon!

It is amazing what some good tropical downpours of rain can do.  We are not talking about nice gentle showers that are experienced under an umbrella.  We are discussing windy, wet and violent showers that are typical in this part …

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Fire! A New Take on March Madness

February celebrations were not meant to lead directly into the madness of March in quite  the way that it has happened in the Stoker household.


NCAA March madness


For those of you that are not fans of US college basketball, the …

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February Celebrations!

February was a month filled with celebrations.  Most of our celebrations have revolved around people and our relationships with them.  In them all we are reminded of God’s goodness and grace towards us.








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Family Time!

We have had a wonderful opportunity to spend the last couple of weeks with our family.

Our nuclear family gathered in San Diego from Cameroon, Taiwan, Washington D.C., and San Diego for Christmas and the week afterwards. We spent Christmas …

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An Unwelcome Visitor (who was taken advantage of)

Last week a most unwelcomed visitor arrived on the property where we live which adjoins our school.

Yes this is a green mamba (a very poisonous snake) and thankfully the workers inflicted fatal blows to its mid-section.  Luke who is …

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Rain Forest International School – a place to prepare for the next stage of life.

One of the great joys of teaching secondary students is watching them grow towards independence.  It is always a process and sometimes seems to be fairly convoluted – sort of like a winding river which you know is headed to …

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Celebrate Reading and Share Joyous Times

Today was a special day. Ruth Noren has completed her reading curriculum and so a party was in order.


She wanted to celebrate with the ladies tea and coffee group and we were happy to celebrate with her.


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Returning …. let me show you around!

We have been back in Cameroon for the last four months.  The time has flown by and one of the activities I chose to sacrifice to maintain sanity was this blog.  However with the return of the Noren family last

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