Returning …. let me show you around!

We have been back in Cameroon for the last four months.  The time has flown by and one of the activities I chose to sacrifice to maintain sanity was this blog.  However with the return of the Noren family last month, and the subsequent easing of my teaching load, it is now possible for a return for the Stoker Stories blog.  And there are a few stories to tell.  But first let me show you around our new home.

When we left Cameroon our apartment was just being finished – well everything but a kitchen and bathroom.


The kitchen in May 2012.

The kitchen in May 2012.


Just before our return in late July, both the kitchen and bathroom were mostly finished.

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The first week in August we hosted a staff potluck dinner to “break-in” our new home.


Ready for friends!

Ready for friends!

Full house!

Full house!

BBQ time outside our screened porch.

BBQ time outside our screened porch.

Since then a few new items have been added – like curtains (that match) in the living areas, shelves and another cupboard in the kitchen and planters along the front.  We have also added grass, which is filling in better than expected due to our long wet rainy season, and stepping stones to our screened in porch.  A front porch and planters now make the front door look like it is one, although in rainy season we are using the porch entrance to control mud.


Just down the hill from our house is the newly completed and occupied duplex.


Welcome to our home!

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One Response to Returning …. let me show you around!

  1. Janet Ziegelbaur says:

    Looks great! Thanks for the pics of your place being occupied & used. I like the flower boxes outside your door.

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