Posts under ‘News’

World Vision Partnership

Exciting changes ahead:

A major partnership with World Vision that promises to dramatically impact the lives of people suffering the ravages of poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo was unveiled this morning during the closing session of the Midwinter

News from Sudan

Many of us have been following the news in Sudan, hearing about continued violence and the challenges the Sudanese people face every day.  I invite you to read this article about what the Covenant Church in South Sudan is doing …

CEUM Election Results

The “Assemblee” for the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM) is finished and here is a link to the story of the election results.  This meeting is similar to the US Covenant Church’s “Annual Meeting” where various leaders give reports, new leaders …

Email through satellite phone

Here’s a shot of how we are sending email this week in Bongabo.

I am holding a Thuraya satellite phone. Phone time costs about $1.00/minute and emails go quickly as you the UUPlus program we use is a compaction program …

A new look?

Like my ‘do and earthy foundation I was sporting after riding outside from Gemena to Karawa on Saturday, Jan 14th? I think the foundation is applied a little unevenly, but beggars can’t be choosers.

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Travel Mishaps

In Congo you may be delayed on your trip not because you get stuck, but because someone else has a problem. This is what we encountered when we went to Karawa a couple weeks ago. As you can see from …

Cake-Decorating with Cindy

Gisele Nkakala, Dr. Aime’s wife, asked Cindy to teach her how to bake and decorate a cake some time ago. Yesterday was finally the day when it worked out for both of their schedules. Here are pics of the process …

CHE meeting in Bogose-Nubea

“What resources did the men carrying the paralytic have that they used to aid their friend?” we asked the Nguya regional admin council last Saturday. We had traveled an hour and 45 minutes, 44 kms, N of Gemena to Bogose-Nubea …

Christmas Tea & Birthday Celebration

December 15th was Helen Smith’s birthday. To celebrate, Cindy invited 12 women from the community over to our home!

After singing Christmas carols all the women shared a favorite Bible verse as a blessing for Helen.

They had crafts and …

Celebration of Baptism in Gemena

168 new believers were baptized here at Bokonzo last Saturday as a part of the Big Sunday gathering at the end of the year. As you can see from these few pictures it was quite an event.
The candidates for …

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