Library night at the Ekstrands

Last week we started opening our home one evening a week for library night. We invited the CEUM leadership and employees to come read the French magazines, journals and books we have. We have a subscription to the journal CONGO-AFRIQUE, which has 10 editions/year. It covers a wide range of topics concerning politics, economics, development, religion, society and their inter-relations. We bought all the numbers for 2010 as they all concerned the 50th anniversary of Congo. Last week we only had 4 show up and this week the numbers were up. We enjoy finding a way for our co-workers to be able to read these materials and in so doing expand their knowledge of Congo and the world.

Library night!

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One Response to “Library night at the Ekstrands”

  1. Deb E says:

    What a great ministry! We take our access to information so much for granted here. Are there other materials which would benefit this ministry?

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