Easter Sunday in Congo

He is Risen!!

Worshipping Our Risen Lord!

We had a joyous Easter celebration yesterday morning: 1,899 attended, 8 choirs, 2 different groups of little kids presented what they’ve learned in Sunday School, and there was a baby dedication for 7 babies, all within 3-1/2 hours + high humidity and temps in the low 90s!

Sunday School at Bokonzo

The choirs always do special songs for days like Easter and today was no different. Their songs told the Easter story in several ways. A couple of them dressed in uniform which always looks good. There was also a guest choir from another CEUM church.

Women's Choir

The sermon was on Luke 24:1-11, “Remember”. Remember what Jesus did and what he said about what would happen.

Baby Dedication

During the baby dedication, Pastor Elenga referred to the traditional way some had for “dedicating” or asking for “protection” on their babies many years ago. They would take and wrap something around the baby asking that this protect the baby from evil and disease. It might be some bark, a long root, an animal skin, etc. He proclaimed that this has no force to protect the child, nor has it ever had. Here as these parents bring their babies to the church, they are asking God to protect them and to help them raise their children. They are also committing to raise them in the church and we the church are committing to participate in teaching them to come to know Christ.

He is Risen Indeed!!

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One Response to “Easter Sunday in Congo”

  1. Kirsten says:

    Praise the LORD!! I am continually blessed and encouraged by reading about your ministry here… please keep posting. 🙂

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