I was wrong. I deliberately slowed down to turn right on the yellow and then gunned it when it turned red. We all know you can beat the cars getting ready to go…they are at a stand still if we …
Grace learned to pray this week.
When you are in a car with a 4 year old child for over 30 hours in 10 days, the scriptures can’t help but be fulfilled!
Deuteronomy 11:19
New King James Version (NKJV)
19 You shall teach them to your
The other day in church I kept hearing a loud whisper from behind me. “Can we go now? Is it almost time? What happened? I thought you said they do it after worship and before offering? Are they still going …
I’m Religious
My daughter Kelsey is going to be 15 years old this week. She is an elite soccer player and takes this passion very seriously. Recently her practices were changed to Wednesday nights. This put Kelsey in a difficult situation. She …
New York Debrief….
At the end of our trips we talk about the week and what to expect when we head back home. I like to ask 3 questions; What was your favorite thing about the trip, the least favorite and what …
If you want to teach your children…go to the airport!
Around midnight last night we found ourselves with about 200 other people waiting for our luggage in the Orlando, Florida Airport. We quickly followed that wonderful interlude with an hour and half wait for a rental car. Soooooo…around 2:00 am …
Grace prayed for a Bandaid today.
Grace prayed for a Bandaid today:
A New Season….
Merge Pre-Planned Trips
June 21-30, 2013 Santo Domingo, Ecuador Cost $500 per person
Pastors training for Ecuadorian Covenant pastors including
September Newsletter