CEFA has funds!!

We have been wondering and praying about a transfer of funds from the states for the ongoing work at the CEFA farm and out in the villages.  There was a problem because back last month our bookkeeper had to leave …

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Frogs and more frogs!

Not that it’s a plague, but I have seen 5 of these little guys, about the size of your fingertip, over the past couple of weeks.  They are so cute – wow our God has quite the imagination!

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Ramadan prayers

As Muslixms respect their month of fasting, let’s pray that God will reveal himself fully to them, that they would understand that the Messiah has come and loves them, regardless of works.  Just grace.  Grace.

I am following a prayer …

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Yummy coffee from bush to cup at home!

Yay!  We picked the coffee cherries, dehusked them, soaked them, dried them, deskinned them, roasted them, ground them, and then made a delicious cup of coffee!!

I was so relieved to have the final product, steaming hot coffee freshly ground …

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Another Fulani’s creative mask – completely useless but inventive all the same!

Lynn, after helping us make masks for everyone on the farm, went on to make many for her aged father and friends up in the Johannesburg area, as …

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Yes, the kids can come up with some great fun, and especially in these crazy lockdown days.  Two weeks ago it was dressing up and playing Mafia, a week ago it was a drive by birthday greeting for a dear …

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Closed in will soon enough turn into hugs!!!

Feeling a bit closed in and claustrophobic, like this unfortunate macadamia?  We’re going to get through this, my dears!  Let’s cry out to the Lord for mercy and do all we can to protect ourselves and others.  Let’s get creative …

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Masks and the virus

This little Fulani boy had a bright idea!!  Not sure how effective it would be against the virus, but it sure was creative!

Here are a couple of news articles from the influenza pandemic of 1918+, sounds familiar, eh? Well, …

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Making quilts

Thankfully we made the trip to the fabric store before lockdown!  The girls have their chosen seshoeshoe material, a fabric specific to South Africa, and they each are making a patchwork quilt.  Since we can’t be out and about, and …

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Still picking macadamia nuts

Yes, we’re still picking macadamia nuts to help out our farm host family while workers can’t come, making the best of Covid19.  The farm manager, Zweli, is doing the lion’s share of the work with his granddaughter, Ane, in close …

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