Need a manicure?

There’s a guy who wanders around the market town, with a box full of nail polish and oil and nail clippers and who knows what all.  It doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or the sun is so bright you …

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Easter vs. Christmas

The local church was decorated for Christmas this way.  The papers folded over the strings are actually pages from people’s medical charts from years past.  You can see the direction the breeze through the church usually comes from, evidenced by …

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R loves hearing the Word

This little one fights to hold the cell phone that has a media chip that reads the New Testament to her.  When the wind blows in the passage, you hear it. When the waters roar in a storm, you hear …

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Roy the farmer, always ready to go go go!

The guy doesn’t sit still!  Well, except when he’s doing a puzzle, and I think that is more to get satisfaction out putting a mess in order, when life’s messes can’t be put in order.  Roy is ready to plant, …

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He is Risen!! Hallelujah! Still true 4 days later!

Because of trouble with internet, I missed sending out this beautiful lily, blooming just for Easter time!  I missed saying to the world, on Easter day, He is risen!  Hallelujah!!!  But it’s true today, would that we lived our lives …

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Please pray for relief from the flooding in S. Africa

We are receiving photos of massive flooding in the cities and townships in the area we live when we’re in S. Africa.  Please pray for the people who have lost homes and belongings, who have been injured or lost because …

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Jeff S. is our field accountant, and he recently ran an internal audit on my CAR bookkeeping.  Since Roy and I are the only Covenant missionaries in CAR, one of us has to be treasurer.  Guess who gets the job?  …

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The heart of a child

Whether it’s being ready to find complete joy playing peek-a-boo with a total stranger,

having color blind friendships,

or holding tight to a papa’s hands because you love, trust and respect him, the simple accepting heart of a child is …

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God keeps surprising us with his creation!  We don’t know who called the meeting, but these caterpillars are ready!

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Back at home and very content

Our time with friends, away from work, in God’s creation, was extraordinary,

but it is SO GOOD to be home again,

even though we came home to face a blown out generator

and no antenna set up at our house …

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