Gamboula’s new city hall dedication

Roy and I went to the opening and dedication of the new city hall in “downtown” Gamboula on Wednesday, August 14th.  The 14th is CAR’s actual day of declaring independence in 1958, and the independence was set …

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Passing on the gift

We have been blessed by the gift of this wonderful, now old, pick-up for about 16 years.  Covenant Women funded the purchase of this Toyota Hilux, back in 2002, and asked that it be dedicated to helping women and children.  …

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Layha; celebrating the Lord’s gift of a ram for sacrifice

Roy and I went across the river on Sunday to join our Fulani friends in the celebration of Layha or Eid-Al-Adha, the feast honoring Abraham’s willingness to give his son and God’s provision of a ram in the son’s stead.  …

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Joy, joy, joy

Roy has been waiting for years for this orchid from Ecuador to bloom.   He didn’t even know what it was going to look like when he brought home a bit of root.  The waiting paid off, don’t you think?


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Taken to court

Beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning!  Isaiah 61:3

Our God is an awesome God, he can turn tears of sorrow into tears of joy.  I had made a simple reference in our August newsletter to “tough times …

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Celebrating Mom & Dad

You won’t find a sweeter, more caring couple than Roy’s mom and dad.  If you want to see an example of what marriage can be, they are amazing!  Their love for each other, for the Lord, and for anyone around …

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Our type A farming buddy, P

This woman is amazing, full of energy and compassion.  She is an avid gardener/farmer, one we have known since the time of our bible story/ag & health lessons in downtown Gamboula long before the war.  She is one wonderful success …

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Nathan’s visit

This has been a whirlwind week; Nathan Conrod and his two sons came to Gamboula for a visit.  The boys wanted to hang out with their good friend, Timote T., in his home village, and Nathan wanted to be with …

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Food for thought

Our colleague and buddy, Leanne, saw this on an office wall in the capital city when she was there last month on nursing school business:

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success

Just a …

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Sometimes the CEFA cattle herd make their way from their pastures, through a left-open gate, across the bridge, and up the hill into the orchards.  I ran into them on my afternoon walk, and there wasn’t anyone around so I …

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