Visas applied for, please pray

Our plans for visiting missionary colleagues in Mozambique flew out the window with the advent of the Covid19 pandemic.  We had not only hoped to catch up with our buddies, the Vianas, but we wanted to renew our South African …

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Corona virus

Yes, the virus is alive and well in South Africa.  We are under “lockdown”, only being allowed to venture out for food, medications, or banking needs.  I have been to the grocery store, and the highway is pretty empty, with …

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All praise to our creator God

God’s creativity astounds me.  All for us!  Thanks be to God!

The heron is one of a pair that have been hanging around, maybe looking to nest?  Our pair of crowned cranes haven’t been around for awhile.

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Reservoir covered!

In February our visitors, the Johnson family, helped us put up the reservoir, and last week Brian and Anne helped put up the shadecloth over it.  This will help keep the water clear of falling leaves, though there still will …

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Brian, Anne & Maddie, YAY!!!

Our Maddie arrived, accompanied by her great Uncle Brian and great Aunt Anne, even in the face of covid19’s beginning stages for us.  We had an absolutely delightful time with Brian and Anne, taking in the zip line and Lake …

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Gunnel & Lulu

Our long time Swedish friend/missionary colleague and recently widowed Gunnel M. and her buddy Lulu (also was a CAR missionary) came to stay with us for a couple of days on their way from Capetown to Joburg where her son …

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Sweetdale students

At the beginning of the month, when all was still normal, we had a group of students from Sweetdale life skills center coming with their teacher, Jaydene, to the Back 2 Eden farm regularly.  They have chosen to study farming …

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Fruit at Back 2 Eden farm

Fun to see fruit coming! Plaintains and passionfruit right now as we head into cooler fall weather

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Green beans and water storage for the shantytown soup kitchen

Tozama and Melita make soup or stew 4 days a week and they are excited to have their water tank finally close to being hooked up.  There are days when they cannot cook because the water supply is cut off, …

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Megan Duplessis Center

Just down the road from us is a learning center for special needs youth.  It was established by the Duplessis’, whose daughter Megan was a very special young woman with special needs.  Their search for the perfect site, a farm …

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