Category Archives: Family & Friends

Sam passed his 3 instrument rating tests

Thanks so much for your prayers, Sam passed the written, oral, and practical for his instrument ratings. He’s currently working on logging on hours of flying and still in his mechanic’s apprenticeship.

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Please pray for Sam!

Our son Sam will be taking the qualifying tests for instrument rating on Monday, March 15th. He has already passed the written one and Monday’s for the practical and oral tests. Please pray for wisdom and peace for him as …

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Happy news for our family!

Our kids, Josh, Kimia, & Maddie, are expecting an addition to their precious family around the 7th of September. Please pray for Kimia as she’s dealing with morning sickness, that she and the baby will be fine and healthy when …

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Roy’s coming home!

His tooth is better, he is pain free, and he’ll be flying to Yaounde on Sunday and home on Monday! Yippee!!

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Roy’s tooth saga

The poor guy went through 4 gruelling sessions with the Yaounde dentist and is still swollen and in pain, so he’s going to next closest dentist – in Europe. He’s flying out tonight to Lyon, France, to the home of …

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A root canal at Christmastime???

The good news is that Roy’s getting rid of his mega toothache by having a root canal in Yaounde. The bad news is that he won’t be back home until Monday the 28th. It’ll be our first Christmas apart from …

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almost Christmas

pointsettias-blog This is the view across our dirt driveway from our dining room window!
We just got back to Gamboula Friday late afternoon, and Roy had been having a vaguely sore mouth for a couple of days, but nothing like Friday …

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Icicle man

WHAT?!?! No, this isn’t in Africa, but I thought it was pretty funny – this is our son, Sam, with the after effects of snowblowing a very long driveway after a 12 inch blizzzard! Well, at least he got to …

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