Category Archives: Family & Friends

Gifts from the U.S.

Jan handed out some scarves from a U.S. friend to some of our friends across the river.  What a kick to see them tie them up in various styles, primping in front of H’s tiny little mirror.  They were thrilled, …

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Samson is getting hitched!

Samson is a hardworking, generally joyful guy.  He will shake your hand with great enthusiasm and always aims to please.  He has worked in the ag program for about as many years as it has been functioning.  He’ll plant trees, …

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We have a guest!

Dave Feaver, from Modesto, CA, is here with us on the CEFA farm for about 2.5 weeks.  He and his wife, Irene, and Irene’s mother, Dorothy, have hosted us many times over the years when we have visited Modesto Covenant …

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Goodbye, Jean Claude! You will be missed!

Oh, Roy’s best sports buddy has just moved back to Bangui, after about 15 years of work at the mission hospital’s garage and print shop.  He has always been ready to play basketball or volleyball when Roy shows up at …

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Helping hands

We are blessed with friends who have all sorts of know-how.  Some can weld metal frames for solar panels, others can fix crazy problems with our truck, some can help us with sudden medical problems, and still others bless us …

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Old is good

This little old lady, who looks like her arm could be broken as easily as a toothpick, is very full of energy and spunk!  Roy was surprised to see her working hard in her ag co-op’s garden, enthusiastic about growing …

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Timothy & Elizabeth


We just said goodbye to a couple of premed college students who had come to Gamboula to experience medical missions firsthand.  Interestingly, they were both attending Wheaton College but came to Gamboula under two very different mission organizations. Timothy …

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Roy’s wheels in SA

Hey, when we’re in South Africa, we now have wheels!  And, yes, he’s driving on the left side of the road, which is the “right” side in S.A.!!   Thanks to Lynn & Gary Brackley’s generous gift of the use of …

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Visiting Creighton, South Africa

While Roy was in South Africa, he had the marvelous opportunity to go on a trip with Sam & Anna’s cell group to visit the little town of Creighton.  The interesting thing about this place, other than the fact that …

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Roy home in time

I’m late in the posting, but Roy was back to CAR in time for his birthday on July 18th.  I guess you might not know what this fruit is, it is a durian and Roy is absolutely in seventh heaven …

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