Category Archives: Family & Friends

Enjoying family

It is so sweet to be able to be with our kids here in South Africa, to live life with them day to day, to be blessed with their hugs and smiles!  The time is flying by and there’s so …

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Paul and Sheryl

What could be better than to have a couple of weeks with our buddies, Paul & Sheryl?  We had such a wonderful time during their visit to us.  Walking down memory lane, sharing meals, catching up on news of family …

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Thom and Noranne are here!

Our good buddies from college days, Thom and Noranne Skaanland, are with us for about a week.  It is so fun to catch up with all that’s going on in our lives, and especially wonderful to see improvement in Noranne …

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Fun photo

I love this photo for many reasons, the least of which is us!  The palm trees in the background are straight down the road from our old house, the lady walking by with the mega tub of water on head …

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Rainy day

Roy actually does a great job of keeping his work bench organized – rainy days are helpful for this!  While the rain poured down, he and Dave put handles on these shovel and rake heads that Dave had brought from …

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Dave is on his way home

Dave is in Yaounde, getting ready to fly home to California, starting Sunday evening.  He was pleased to be able to help out in many ways, but I think this might have been his favorite job.  He put back together …

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What do you have on your head, Nina?!  On your way to work in the garden, on your head you’ve got balanced on the rolled up cloth; a shovel, a machette, a big knife, and right on top, a midmorning …

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Somebody loves the new puppy, Siriri, even to the point of cleaning up after him!  He might grab her skirt or nip her toes or chew her flipflops, but he’s still her best buddy.  Sweet.  Meet Dieu-fera, or “God will …

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Seeing through a visitor’s eyes

Our friend, Dave, is visiting from Modesto, California.  We visited the bustling border town across the river on Monday, and he took a bazillion photos.  It is always fun to see our everyday lives through the eyes of someone who …

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Our only “under 50” missionary team member left for the U.S. this week.  She was an integral part of the nursing school staff and a young person that could make you smile but also challenge you to think.  She is …

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