Avril the bromeliad and dragon fruit buddy

Roy was able to connect with Avril, a fellow tropical fruit and plant enthusiast.  She is the friend who donated the dragon fruit plants to the Back 2 Eden in exchange for fruit trees for her orchards, and now has given Roy a truckload of bromeliads,

which she raises and sells.  Here are some samples of bromeliads which are flowering at the farm right now:

The dragon fruit at Back 2 Eden are growing so nicely up their poles that they now need a support secured at the top (tires are commonly used) so they can drop down and grow towards earth in order to fruit well.  Roy found a source for old tires, for free, because they were so happy for him to haul them away from their chock-full storage area.  Roy had to stop the guy from piling them too high!!

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About danforth

As Covenant missionaries, we are working with all the tribal groups of the Central African Republic (CAR) but are trying to give special attention to the Fulani, a Musxlim, cattle herding, and semi-nomadic people group. We live on an experimental/training farm, near a mission station which has a hospital plus bible and nursing schools. We are establishing relationships with the local people groups through compassion ministries; Roy through agriculture and Aleta through public health and visitation, in order, ultimately, to share the good news of Jesus the Messiah with them. CAR is one of the least developed countries in the world and is currently in continual crisis (since the coup in March 2013), so reaching out in compassion is key to reaching their hearts. Due to the ongoing conflict and resultant ethnic cleansing in CAR, we are crossing the border to interact with our Fulani contacts.
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