This dear woman of deep faith has been such a blessing and influence on us all our lives. Her easy going nature and love for God, family and life shine from her. She and Dad are now 91 and still going strong. Mom suffers from Alzheimer’s but she still knows us and she knows the Lord! She is still her sweet and loving self, and for this we are thankful.
I can remember a time that I was camping with the two of them, maybe 10 years ago, and I had stepped outside the camper to take a call from our daughter in love, Kimia. I had shared with Kimia how much I was enjoying being with the folks and that it grieved me to think that it might be the last time I would see them. I got a little teary as the call ended, so when I walked back into the camper, Mom & Dad immediately asked what was wrong. I told them what I had said to Kimia, that since I was heading back out to Africa for a few years, this might be the last time on earth that I would see them. Mom immediately lifted her hands high, saying Hallelujah! We all laughed and I told them it would be all joy for them and sad for us all the same. Mom has been ready for a long time to be with the Lord that she loves and serves. We celebrate her birthday, love her dearly and carry her in our hearts and prayers always.