Thank you for keeping CAR in your prayers! As we continue on with ministry in South Africa, we are kept up to date with email news from our friends at Gamboula. After we left, there was relative quiet for awhile, but things picked up again last week and just yesterday on the road north of Gamboula. Reports of what happened are not clear or confirmed, but we know there was a skirmish of some sort and we do know that cattle rustling on a big scale, and individual attacks and thievery here and there are happening. The CEFA farm was very quiet with no work for a few days, and the CEFA cattle were moved to safety, but we hear that work will probably pick up again this week. We have also heard that the UN might be moving some protective forces to Gamboula, and that is a relief. Please pray for all our colleagues there, missionaries and nationals, that they will be wise and safe as they choose to continue ministry there, that their interactions will shine the love of the Lord. May God be glorified.