We’ve been blessed with our own personal nerd this past month. Last week, he gave a few of us classes every afternoon, so we can try, and believe me, the operative word is try, to troubleshoot our satellite internet problems once he disappears over the western horizon. He will join his wife and 2.5 year old daughter on Wednesday and head up into Fulani territory in Cameroon. He gave us a test on our last day, and he was kind enough to say he was proud of us, but we sure went around Robin’s barn just to resolve the 2 broken areas he had set up for us. I’m excited for them, that they’ll be experiencing a different place, with some believers among the Fulani. They plan to finish out their term, which ends in May 2014, and then head to the states for about a year of prep to become long term missionaries and then there’ll be a year of French study, and THEN they may rejoin us. Please pray for them as they adjust to new surroundings and meet new friends in a much more isolated situation than what we’re used to here.