In my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Genesis study session this week, the lesson notes mentioned how Noah had to adjust to a new normal, after the flood. The notes ask “have you ever had to adjust to a new normal?” Hello. New normal is the current buzz word! I’m not sure when these lessons were written, but I’m guessing it was awhile ago. Our new normal is different, but not bad. We are still able to communicate with our dear friends and supporting churches, thanks to technology. We live next door to our kids and grandkids, an amazing, every day joy.
We live in a comfortable, lovely granny apartment, which shares a mudroom entrance with our kids’ farmhouse in semi-rural Indiana. We are healthy and able to go to the gym and keep up with good caretaking of these aging temples of ours! We can visit with our family as we like, though sometimes with great caution as one or another gets exposed to someone with Covid. Our new normal is different, but not bad – in fact mostly delightful. Then I get to thinking about friends whose new normal is coping with cancer, unemployment, and/or death of loved ones. I think about politics, racism, and Covid, and how they are tearing apart the norm of people’s lives, coming between people, even in close and loving relationships. I think about friends who are dealing with hurricanes or raging wild fires just outside their doors or deep inside their hearts. I think about the peace that me and mine have, even in the midst of great strife, and I am humbled and grateful. I pray for that peace that can only come as a gift, along with the gift of amazing grace and inner joy, for each one of you. I know some specific details of some of your challenges, and I count it a privilege to pray for you. Oh, that the Lord would have mercy! That we would humble ourselves and pray and seek the Lord’s face and turn from our wicked ways, that the Lord would hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land.