Looking together at one of the many books of her artwork. She doesn’t remember any of it, but her “wow” expression is priceless when you tell her she created them.
Mom is very quiet these days, and we wonder what things go through her still beautiful head. When we walked into the room after not seeing her for a year, her face lit up like a Christmas tree! She sure recognizes us, but she can’t tell you her name. She can sing along with songs you sing together and she can feed herself, but needs to be led around if she’s up out of a chair. Our sibs Tim and Lynn take such loving and tender care of her in their home, with Tim being the primary caregiver while Lynn’s at work. They have a lovely routine every night after she’s tucked all comfy-like in bed. They pray a prayer asking for God’s spirit to fill them, and then they recite together the 23rd psalm, the Lord’s prayer, and then sing “the Lord bless you and keep you…” to each other. Those were the last words we heard from Dad as he passed. We’ve been joining them while we’ve been here, and Mom sings and recites right along with us. She is such a sweet, peaceful presence in their home, smiling wide at attention and hugs, responding with “okay” sometimes when we say we love her, which cracks us up. It IS okay, Mom. We can see that it is well with your soul! God has blessed us, richly!