Cooking bananas, plantains, makemba, whatever you want to call them, we call them yummy. Roy was given this plantain plant about a year ago; banana family plants produce quickly, nothing like the mangosteen that typically takes about 8 years to start. We fried these while they were green, enjoying them both as a sort of potato chip, thick and thin, and also in a french fry shape. Then, when they ripened, we enjoyed them in slices, soft and sweet, fried. This particular plantain was good enough, but nothing like our CAR ones. Roy could not bring any of the CAR tasty ones with us, as there is a huge banana industry here and he couldn’t risk bringing some disease in to the country. Zweli and family really liked the new to them taste of plantains. This is another fruit tree at the Back 2 Eden project. Please pray for all the details of the project, that it might continue in our absence this coming year.