Daily Archives: July 10, 2019
Cute kids! Always!!
I may face disgruntled soldiers at border crossings, or be overwhelmed by the requests for rides and meds and help, but I tell you what, I’m never without some cute kid nearby, wanting to hold my hand or carry for …
Posted in Family & Friends, Thoughts/musings/ideas
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Palm destroyed
Our dear friend and ministry colleague, Paul N., is crazy about palm trees. He usually plants just those that are beneficial in some way, but he planted these beautiful, purely ornamental, Bismarkia palms at the base of the CEFA farm …
Dragon fruit climbing
The cactus-like dragon fruit plant climbs and climbs as high as it can, and then when the tip bends over and hangs down, it is ready to bear fruit. Roy’s got them growing up various trees around the CEFA farm, …
Posted in CEFA/Ag
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