Our helper in our home, Sylvie, recently was asked to be a deaconess in the local church. She took some time to pray about it, at first not sure of accepting the position. After consideration, she felt that even though she sees negative things happening in the church right now, she wanted to say yes to God, to give her time to helping make things better in the church. As usual, they do ceremonies with pomp and pizazz, and this one was no exception. Sylvie took part in a week-long training session, with lots of bible study and lots of how-to’s within a deacon/deaconess’ job description; like how to help with communion and how to lead a graveside service if the pastor can’t make it. The ceremony at the end of the week was complete with a very good teaching sermon on being a truly faithful follower of Jesus. Please pray for the local church, that it would serve outward and shine brightly for the Lord.
Blessings for new deacons and deaconesses
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