We arrived to Loko, Zaire, on May 11, 1978, as green as any newbie could be. When we climbed out of that 5 seater prop airplane onto the dirt airstrip, we felt like we had stepped into the pages of a National Geographic magazine. It has been an amazing journey, these 40 years. We’ve been blessed by strong friendships and God’s love in each place we have lived. We have learned and have been loved as much as we have taught and loved others. We have been stretched by evacuations and challenged by injustice and corruption only to be undone by tearful, joy-filled reunions and by simple acceptance and loving forgiveness. We have been led by God and carry so many precious memories of his faithful presence in our hearts. We never would have been able to stay all these years without your help. Thank you for praying for us, for supporting us, and just for plain old caring for us.
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