Irene, a friend who is a pastor’s wife in a town about 60miles but a 2.5 hours’ drive away, came to see her father who was sick and in the hospital. In order to get here she had to hitch a ride with someone already coming this way. Now, to return home, she needs to come up with the money to pay for a place in a truck or van going back. She will pay for a place, yes, but we would probably consider it a quarter of a seat if we had to travel that way. They pack as many people as they can into a van, and then pile goods and baggage on top as high again as the van itself. You put your life into the hands of the driver and pray! Irene baked this bread to sell, and she will use the profit, maybe about $6, to purchase her ride back home on Monday. It’s better than riding 3 or 4 on a motorcycle, but…
Baking bread
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