Mama Sandra gets water from the kiosk near her home. Read more of Mama Sandra’s story in the new report.
If you’ve ever wondered what kind of impact you’re making when you sponsor a child through Covenant Kids Congo, read this new report. In it, you’ll read stories about families whose lives are being changed, you’ll find cumulative statistics showing the number of people who have been impacted by different initiatives, and you’ll see how far one city of about 350,000 people has come over the past four years.
It’s a story of hope. It’s a story of transformation. It’s a story of faithfulness. It’s a story of resilience, as fellow Christians in Congo have risen up to lead their community. And it’s a story that you are part of, as you’ve walked alongside our brothers and sisters in Congo.
It takes time to prepare a report with this level of detail. Therefore, this new report shares activities during World Vision FY2016, specifically from September 2015 to June 2016. Future reports will share activities through the end of WV FY2016 and the beginning of WV FY2017. This report covers several key project areas such as child and mother survival, economic development, community empowerment, and clean water. You can read and download the report here.
Click here to read the report.
Want to hear more stories? Watch the new Covenant Kids Congo videos.