The work of CKC at CHIC 2015 was recently featured in the Covenant Newswire! Read it here or directly from the site:
Step into Congo: A Day in the Life
The work of CKC at CHIC 2015 was recently featured in the Covenant Newswire! Read it here or directly from the site:
Look for Covenant Kids Congo at Gather ’15 in Kansas City this week! We have program updates and an amazing new video to share, don’t miss it!#CovKidsCongo #Gather15
Reflections from Christine Buettgen, Project Manager for Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision
During my two year stay in Congo, I came home to celebrate Christmas with my family in Chicago. I was lucky to have family members who …
Shared from World Vision’s “In the Margins” Devotional
Reflections on International Women’s Day from Christine Buettgen, Project Manager for Covenant Kids Congo
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am
Reflections from our CKC Project Leader Donn Engebretson on his recent trip to Congo to see the progress of the Covenant Kids Congo project.
I’ve been home a couple of weeks now – including a week at Midwinter – from …