Step into Congo at CHIC 2015

Post a Comment » Written on July 20th, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

The work of CKC at CHIC 2015 was recently featured in the Covenant Newswire! Read it here or directly from the site:

Step into Congo: A Day in the Life

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Hope Sunday II

Post a Comment » Written on July 2nd, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates
We had a wonderful time connecting with our greater Covenant Family and delegates at Gather ’15 in Kansas City this year! Donn Engebretson and myself had an opportunity to share all the progress that has been made and encourage churches

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CKC at Gather ’15

Post a Comment » Written on June 22nd, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Look for Covenant Kids Congo at Gather ’15 in Kansas City this week! We have program updates and an amazing new video to share, don’t miss it!‪#‎CovKidsCongo‬ ‪#‎Gather15‬


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Happy Mama’s Day

4 comments Written on May 8th, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Reflections from Christine Buettgen, Project Manager for Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision

Mom and baby

During my two year stay in Congo, I came home to celebrate Christmas with my family in Chicago. I was lucky to have family members who …

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Welcome, Little One

1 Comment » Written on May 1st, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Written by Elspeth Anderson, member of Crossroads Church in Woodbury, MN  Elspeth was one of a team from Crossroads that recently returned from a Vision Trip to Gemena, Democratic Republic of Congo. 

One morning a few of us visited the …

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In The Margins: DRCongo

Post a Comment » Written on March 26th, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Shared from World Vision’s “In the Margins” Devotional



“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness…” (Isaiah

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International Women’s Day

Post a Comment » Written on March 10th, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Reflections on International Women’s Day from Christine Buettgen, Project Manager for Covenant Kids Congo

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“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am

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World Water Day

Post a Comment » Written on March 2nd, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

World Water Day is March 22nd!

Learn more about the model Covenant Kids Congo is using to bring clean water to the people of Gemena, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Watch this video to see how World Vision wells are creating

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Good Soil in Gemena

Post a Comment » Written on February 12th, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Reflections from our CKC Project Leader Donn Engebretson on his recent trip to Congo to see the progress of the Covenant Kids Congo project.

I’ve been home a couple of weeks now – including a week at Midwinter – from

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Lenten Prayer Guide 2015 – WATER

Post a Comment » Written on February 3rd, 2015     
Filed under: News & Updates

Lenten Prayer Guide – WATER


Gift Catalogue - Kandia ADP - Water

Click here to follow our Lenten Prayer Guide.  Let’s pray with our friends in Gemena, DRC as we live into the resurrection of Jesus.






Start with the facts.  End with

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