“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” – Audre Lorde
For any American who has stood beside women in their continual struggle for equal treatment in our society, it is sobering to remember that the rights women have won in the United States far, far surpass the rights enjoyed by women in Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo has been called the most challenging place in the world to be a woman. Why? It begins with a pervasive male-dominated culture that impacts everything from denying women public services to property rights – and ends with a rape epidemic – a weapon of war against girls and women of all ages.
Mama Moloto is a mother of seven children. When her husband died 8 years ago, custom dictated that she not only lost rights to her family’s property, she did not have legal rights to her children. Without a man attached to her she had to fight to regain power in her life. She is now the President of her community association and runs a school. She succeeded against the odds – just as millions of women do everyday.
Celebrate with us!
~ 85 community leaders trained on gender issues
~ 13 women trained to create 41 women’s micro business groups
~ 750 girls sensitized on consequences of early marriage
~ 2 maternal health wards completed
~ 627 women trained in improved nutrition
~ And the list goes on!
We know “The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world” -Charles Malik. We are so encouraged by these beautiful, strong and resilient women we partner with.
We thank you for standing with the women of Congo through your support of Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision. Pray for them this week as we remember the plight and persistent hope of women around the world. May they dare to be powerful.
Ngolu na kimia (peace and grace).