Covenant Kids Congo: Midwinter 2013

Post a Comment » Written on February 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Events, News & Updates

Written by Adam Phillips, project consultant

Midwinter 2013 will definitely go down as one of my most memorable Midwinter experiences. Let’s be honest, I love gathering with my colleagues and friends every year, usually in Chicago. But any chance we …

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A Cohesive Vision for the Future

Post a Comment » Written on February 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Every morning at the World Vision (WV) office we start our day with singing, devotionals, and a time to share prayer requests and check in on work that …

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Lent Prayer Guide: Week 2

Post a Comment » Written on February 18th, 2013     
Filed under: Lent Campaign 2013, News & Updates

Below are prayer points for the second week of the Lent Prayer guide. Each week will focus around a different need in DR Congo with scripture and prayer points. If your church is interested in receiving these materials weekly via …

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Reclaiming “Ubuntu” in Gemena

1 Comment » Written on February 13th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

A strange experience – when I left on the plane from Gemena to Kinshasa for my vacation in December I felt like a physical weight was lifted from …

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Lent Prayer Guide: Week 1

1 Comment » Written on February 11th, 2013     
Filed under: Lent Campaign 2013, News & Updates

Below are prayer points for our first week of the Lent Prayer guide. Each week will focus around a different need in DR Congo with scripture and prayer points. If your church is interested in receiving these materials weekly via …

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Hope Sunday Feature Church: Bethany Covenant

1 Comment » Written on February 8th, 2013     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

The following is an example of how Bethany Covenant Church in Bedford, New Hampshire presented their Hope Sunday event. We hope it will inspire your church as you consider hosting a Hope event. More feature church stories are coming so …

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Post a Comment » Written on February 6th, 2013     
Filed under: District Meetings, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

Written by Adam Phillips, project consultant

The last couple months I’ve had the opportunity to visit with and find new partners for Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision in various regional pastor district meetings. I’ve most recently spent time …

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Free Lent Prayer Guides Available

3 comments Written on February 6th, 2013     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, Lent Campaign 2013, News & Updates, Resources

Please join Covenant churches around the country in praying for the Congo this Lenten season. The Covenant Kids Congo team has developed a weekly prayer guide with specific prayer points for the key issues affecting the people of the Equateur …

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Collaboration: A Three Month Evaluation

Post a Comment » Written on February 4th, 2013     
Filed under: Missionary Update

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

We arrived in a large white land cruiser with the orange and black mark of World Vision on each side announcing our arrival. We took our seats in …

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Hope Sunday Feature Church: First Covenant Omaha

Post a Comment » Written on January 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

The following is an example of how First Covenant Church in Omaha, NE presented their Hope Sunday event. We hope it will inspire your church as you consider hosting a Hope event. More feature church stories are coming so keep …

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