Ground Update

Hope for the Future: Reflections on Congo

Post a Comment » Written on March 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates, Travel

Written by John Mitchell, project manager at World Vision US

Last month, I had the privilege to travel to Gemena with two other World Vision staff to visit our new Area Development Program, Ledia. We toured the community, met with …

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Life in It’s Fullness: Reflections on Congo

5 comments Written on March 13th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Message, News & Updates, Travel

Dave Snyder, church partnership officer with World Vision US, recently joined the Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision team. We’re thankful for his reflections on his most recent trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

When I flew …

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Expecting Change

Post a Comment » Written on March 6th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

I am reading “The Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver again, now that I am living and experiencing the country she based her novel on. There are …

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A Visit from Our Partners

Post a Comment » Written on March 1st, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

This morning, eight visitors from World Vision US and World Vision International hopped on a MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) plane and said goodbye to Gemena after a packed …

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A Cohesive Vision for the Future

Post a Comment » Written on February 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Every morning at the World Vision (WV) office we start our day with singing, devotionals, and a time to share prayer requests and check in on work that …

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Reclaiming “Ubuntu” in Gemena

1 Comment » Written on February 13th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

A strange experience – when I left on the plane from Gemena to Kinshasa for my vacation in December I felt like a physical weight was lifted from …

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Call to Prayer Issued in Wake of Congo Violence

Post a Comment » Written on November 30th, 2012     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates

Jules Mboka, president of the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM), recently issued an urgent call to prayer in response to violence in the eastern region of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Fighting there has killed many and displaced an estimated

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Dawali and Dako

2 comments Written on November 14th, 2012     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates

It is with both a sad and a hopeful heart that our team elected to post the below video from Congo.

As you may already know, 13 of the original 12,754 children registered to be sponsored through Covenant Kids Congo …

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Ledia: Ground Update

1 Comment » Written on November 8th, 2012     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates

Written by Jeff Brown, Senior Advisor for the Northwest DR Congo Launch

We are all very excited to see your names begin to appear on our registry here in the Ledia Program, Gemena, indicating that you have signed up to …

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