Posts Tagged ‘Latin America’

Chile Churches Helping Neighbors Rebuild Lives

Post a Comment » Written on April 23rd, 2010     
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In our culture, no singular event identifies an individual as “adult.” Rites of passage vary – getting married, starting a career, gaining financial independence, joining the military, or something else altogether. Everyone experiences such transitions at their own pace, if …

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48-State Race to Raise Funds for Guatemalan School

Post a Comment » Written on April 8th, 2010     
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Curt Peterson

Thursday Evening

Bob Shim

Friday morning

Labib Madanat

Friday evening

Grace Shim

Saturday morning

Gary Gaddini

Saturday evening

Linnea Carnes

Sunday morning

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Reflections on Haiti: Need to ‘Go the Distance’

Post a Comment » Written on March 23rd, 2010     
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PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI (March 23, 2010) – The following reflection was written by David Mark, World Mission regional coordinator for Latin America, who along with three other Evangelical Covenant Church leaders visited Haiti last week. They were there to assess ongoing …

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Haiti: Devastation Cannot Overcome Faith, Resilience

Post a Comment » Written on March 23rd, 2010     
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Photos from Tomé, Chile

Post a Comment » Written on March 18th, 2010     
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Chile Congregations Reaching Out to Help Neighbors

Post a Comment » Written on March 18th, 2010     
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TOMÉ, CHILE (March 18, 2010) – Two Covenant Church of Chile congregations are helping provide their communities and others with education, trauma counseling, food and water as the country struggles to help its citizens following the February 27 earthquake.


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Haiti: Transition from Relief to Rehab Under Way

Post a Comment » Written on March 17th, 2010     
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PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI (March 17, 2010) – Covenant World Relief (CWR) partners in Haiti are beginning to transition their work from relief to rehabilitation and development while continuing to meet current needs – which remain desperate, says Director Dave Husby.


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Haiti Relief Passes $1 Million, Chile Fund Created

Post a Comment » Written on March 15th, 2010     
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Women Conclude Triennial Conference in Argentina

Post a Comment » Written on March 9th, 2010     
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Teaching | Learning

Based on the biblical record, teaching/learning activities have always been an influential part of the fabric of God’s people and the church. Acts 2:42-47 describes the early church and includes “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” …

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Photos from the Chile Earthquake

Post a Comment » Written on March 8th, 2010     
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