Posts Tagged ‘Latin America’

Haiti Relief Efforts Enter New Phase

Post a Comment » Written on July 12th, 2010     
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PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI (July 12, 2010) – Covenant World Relief (CWR) partners have transitioned into new phases of helping Haiti with its long-term recovery from the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that leveled much of the capital city and surrounding areas six months …

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Missionary Reports No Damage from Mexico Quake

Post a Comment » Written on June 30th, 2010     
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OAXACA, MEXICO (June 30, 2010) – Evangelical Covenant Church missionary Jo Ellen Reaves said this morning that a magnitude 6.2 earthquake that hit the state this morning caused no injuries or damage in her area.

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International Guests Welcomed by Delegates

Post a Comment » Written on June 25th, 2010     
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ST. PAUL, MN (June 25, 2010) – Leaders of Covenant churches and other partners from around the world were called on stage and introduced to the delegates during this morning’s business session. Introducing the delegates, President Gary Walter said, “It …

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Covenant World Leaders Pursue Coordinated Mission

Post a Comment » Written on June 25th, 2010     
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By Stan Friedman

ST. PAUL, MN (June 25, 2010) – Leaders of Covenant denominations from around the world – many of whom had never met – effused that their “Global Dialogue” gathering earlier this week will lead to a greater …

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International Guests to Join in ECC 125th Celebration

Post a Comment » Written on June 17th, 2010     
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ST. PAUL, MN (June 17, 2010) – Since its founding 125 years ago, the Evangelical Covenant Church has emphasized spreading the gospel internationally. To honor that commitment and help celebrate the denomination’s landmark anniversary next week, Covenant leaders from around …

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Violence in Mexico Prompts World Mission Adjustment

Post a Comment » Written on June 16th, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (June 16, 2010) – Escalating violence related to drug wars in the northern region of Mexico has led the Department of World Mission to scale back its work in that part of the country.

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Approaching Winter Refocuses Chile Relief Efforts

Post a Comment » Written on June 7th, 2010     
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TOME, CHILE (June 7, 2010) – As Chile’s damp and very cold winter sets in, local Evangelical Covenant churches are refocusing their relief and reconstruction work to help survivors of the deadly earthquakes and tsunami that killed hundreds of people …

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Edgebrook Youth to Assist Disaster Relief in Guatemala

Post a Comment » Written on June 2nd, 2010     
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EDGEBROOK, IL (June 2, 2010) – A mission team comprised of teenagers from Edgebrook Covenant Church can expect to do disaster relief work when they arrive in Guatemala next month.

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Vision, Little Blue Bucket Move Hearts to Give

Post a Comment » Written on May 21st, 2010     
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Who We Are

Ministries of compassion and mercy stretch far and wide as the Evangelical Covenant Church responds to domestic and global needs. This department builds on that strong foundation and continue to lead and coordinate efforts in the area …

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Chile Reconstruction Photos

Post a Comment » Written on April 23rd, 2010     
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DICHATO, CHILE (April 23, 2010) – Following are additional photos from the Chile reconstruction work.

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