St. Johns Covenant Church, a new church plant in Portland, Oregon, hosted one of the denomination’s first Hope Sundays. The church has an average weekly attendance of 50 people. It is located in a community located in one of the poorest neighborhoods in north Portland, says Pastor Andy Goebel.

Redeemer Pastor Steve Larson praying over children
The church has engaged in multiple ministries to the community, and supporting CKC is a way for the church to act globally, said Goebel.
Children also have committed themselves to sponsoring a boy and girl in Congo. During the worship service at Redeemer Covenant Church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, children processed down the aisle holding a sign showing the children they will sponsor.
The congregation prayed over the children’s group as well as the other Congolese with information cards. Redeemer’s children led the congregation in singing “Where Justice Rolls Down.”

Hut at Cascades
“Our Hope Sunday was a response to planning and work that started back in August,” said Pastor Steve Larson. “Our children got excited about the project during the week of VBS and the congregation was drawn in through the fall series based on Rick Stearns’ book, The Hole in Our Gospel.
Angela Gastaldo McCann, children’s ministry director at Cascades Covenant Church in North Bend, Washington, said the kids in the congregation have been eager to participate. One sixth-grade student even came to her last April about the possibility of sponsoring a child.
“Our tween group is excited to sponsor a child, and I’m excited to show them how they can be the light and salt, live out faith, and further the kingdom of Christ,” McCann says.
Several ministries worked together to make Cascades’ Hope Sunday a success, McCann says. A hut structure was set up in the main worship center near the sponsorship table. The treat team served rice, beans, and water.
Covenant Kids Congo (CKC) will host a WebEx call at 1 p.m. CDT on October 30 during which Amy Hadley of World Vision will share ideas. Time also will be set aside for questions and answers. Limited space is available. To register, call 224-585-0625 or email CKC.