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Hello!  We are the Viana family and we are planning on moving to Mozambique this summer with Covenant World Mission (2015).  We’ve been doing ministry in central Mozambique for the past 6 years with our Mozambican partners John and Maria Jone (pronounced John – yes it really is John John!).

We started partnering with John and Maria in 2007 and began with the first Melanie Center/Orphanage just outside Beira, Mozambique.  In the beginning it was a collection of mud buildings used as dormitories and a church.  Since that time the facilities have improved, and we’ve expanded to include a second Melanie Center in Chimoio and 9 churches scattered throughout the region.

Now we are moving to Mozambique to support the ministry that is already going on!  Our goal is to live and work in the city of Beira, Mozambique to provide training to pastors and leaders in the areas of theology, Bible, and leadership training as well as to raise up businesses and self-sustainment opportunities for local communities.  In providing these things we believe that we are supporting our local churches and communities in ways that maintain dignity and provide a way forward for the country of Mozambique.

Support us today!

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