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Movin’ Out!

Posted by on February 6, 2015

I’m writing this from my red couch.  It’s probably the last time I will sit on this couch … in this house.  We’re moving out, and we’re leaving everything behind.  This is phase two in our eventual move to Mozambique and while I am excited about where God is taking us I cannot help but feel the loss of what we are leaving behind.  We leave behind our beautiful home with all of it’s memories.  We have sold mementos, thrown out pictures, and given away things that we held dear.  It’s surprising how emotionally attached you can become to things and places.

But … we are setting out on the greatest adventure of our lives.  We are picking up, leaving everything behind, and moving to Mozambique! Mozambique where we have our friends and pastors waiting eagerly for our arrival.  I am excited and awed beyond belief!  So, while I’m leaving behind my red couch, what I am going to is so much more exciting… time to get off the couch!

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