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The Problem of Hunger

Posted by on October 19, 2015



Little girl criyng for more food (3)

What you are seeing is the problem of hunger.  To say that hunger is a problem here in Mozambique is a grotesque understatement.  You see, this little girl is crying because she wants more food.  She didn’t get any food yesterday and may not have anything to eat tomorrow so today she cries for more food even while her plate is full.

It has been an unexpectedly long dry season and crops have dried up and withered away.  There is no food.  The children in this village only get rice on special occasions.  Their normal diet is a corn meal massa.  It fills the tummy, but offers very little nutrition.  On this Sunday the whole village was fed for less than $50.  The children received Beans with onions and tomatoes and rice.  It was a time of celebration!  They sang and danced and played games … and little children had full tummies.

This is just a small part of what we are doing here in Mozambique.  We are doing our best to love people in practical ways.  We are giving them physical and spiritual food.  If you think they are physically hungry then you also need to know that they are spiritually hungry as well.  They hunger for hope, they hunger for a future.

Please pray that God would meet these needs.

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