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How to Train a Missionary

Posted by on June 6, 2015

Melanie Viana's photo.

So, how do you train someone to be a missionary?  Do you send them away to a foreign country?  Do they read and study?  How do you get ready to leave your home to make a new home, find a new normal?  It isn’t an easy task to be faced.  But we’ve been facing it this past week and will be facing the challenge of preparing to leave for another week.

Did we go to a foreign country???  Nope, we came to Chicago … foreign to us, yet still familiar.  It’s a wonderful place!  The weather changes almost minute by minute!  And … our time of training has been amazing!

We (Alex and Melanie) have been in Chicago with ten other individuals preparing to leave and move to Mozambique.  We’ve spent time preparing, reading through books, taking tests, and praying.  We are now spending time discussing the important elements of what we need to know before we go.  This includes everything from learning how to raise our support to how to work through complex missiological issues.  We have had amazing speakers and we are so grateful to all of them!

The amazing thing is that we are just beginning our journey of understanding.  I suppose you could call it our “amuse bouche”, our pre-appetizer!  This is just a taste of things to come.  We will spend our lives learning language, culture, and so much more.  And … it’s going to be a LOT of FUN!


If you want to be a part of what God is doing in Mozambique financially just click on the link below!



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