Midwinter 2016 Recap

Midwinter 2016 was nothing short of a success and it was beneficial to all who attended. This year’s theme of “Make and Deepen Disciples” was woven through the many events held during the last week of January in Chicago. There


Burros and Mangos

   Almost every day we receive a visitor to our house. She comes by walking with her nanny and she walks up our front walk in order to greet our little burro flowerpot. Sometimes we hear her in front and have



“…our imagination for sin and disaster is much stronger than our imagination for God’s reconciling love and holiness. We are still taking our cues from the old age, not the new. The moral failure story triumphs over the transformation now …


All I want for Christmas!

covcares 2015As we approach the Christmas season we find ourselves asked the question of “What do you want for Christmas?” If you aren’t a grandparent merely wishing to add to the adorable collection of family photos, we often find ourselves slightly …


Step Into Congo

reposted from http://covenantcompanion.com/2015/07/16/step-into-congo-a-day-in-the-life/

When Annika Steib was in fourth grade she heard someone at Portage Lake Bible Camp talk about missions—and she knew right away that she wanted to be a missionary. “I like people, and I like helping them. …


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