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Why “Two Hamburgers?”


Why call our blog, “Two Hamburgers?”

Well, the reason is pretty simple. There are two of us serving in Hamburg and the people who live in the city are called “Hamburgers.” We thought this would be a fun play on words because of the ironic link between German and American culture. In many ways, we are these two “hamburgers” because different elements are coming together and forming an entirely new product. It’s kind of like making a hamburger patty or “Frikadelle” as  it is called in German.  Two elements are joined and molded into a patty.  Each ingredient tastes pretty good by itself, but by blending the different components, something even more special and delectable transpires!  Cute remarks aside, this is our true hope for our time in Hamburg. We want to help people name their hunger for God and turn their attention to Him, the only One who can feed not only a starving body, but also mind and spirit.

Bon Appetit and Guten Appetit!

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