Two weekends ago, Stephanie, I and the girls packed our things and hit the open road to travel to Pennsylvania for a fundraising dinner. We had been planning this event for many months and were excited/anxious about how it would …
Fundraising Dinner
This month we have a really fun event coming up! If you live in western Pennsylvania, please come out. We will be having a fundraising dinner on Saturday March 28th to benefit our mission to Germany. At the event, we …
Sometimes, God is crazy
This last week, Stephanie and I were taking a trip to Denver for The Evangelical Covenant MidWinter gathering. We left our girls with our dear friend, Stacy Ashworth, and headed to O’Hare for a morning flight. The ticketing line was
While most of the world is tearing down Christmas decorations…
Ohh Christmas Tree…
We remember a time when putting up the Christmas tree took a short amount of time. We didn’t have to really think it through and we didn’t have to “redecorate” it. With two small children that really isn’t the case …
Giving Tuesday???
What is #givingtuesday?
We hope you enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend with the ones you love. We wanted to thank you for your prayers and support as we prepare to serve as missionaries in Germany. We just found out about …
Stephanie and Phillip want to thank all of you for the support you have shown us during this journey. Since yesterday was Thanksgiving we thought this would be the perfect time to share what we are thankful for as a …
What will our street look like
I wonder how our street will look in Pinneburg….?
As we journey through this incredible experience of support raising, we are dreaming about our future life in Germany. Both of us are homebodies; we like to settle into a space …
Roller Coaster
God is really using this support-raising time to reveal many things to us. We describe this process (and have heard it described by other missionaries) as a roller coaster ride! In any given moment, we feel everything from liberation to …