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The light

Posted by on November 29, 2017

Sometimes, especially in this season of the year, it becomes hard to see the light. Where we live in Northern Germany, we will soon only have 6 hours of daylight. Despite this fact, we live in the constant reality of God’s light. His light is all-encompassing and ever-present. His light shined through our daughter Charlotte this week. She is 4 years old and beginning to discover her faith. Her best friend has been sick all week. She asked me for a pen and a piece of construction paper in the morning as she was getting ready for school. I asked her what it was for and she said, “I made a card for my friend so she feels better. I drew Jesus on the card because I know he can make her better.”

To us as parents, this was a very holy moment. To see Lottie make the connection between people’s sickness and Jesus’ ability to heal is wonderful. She is catching a glimpse of Christ’s radiance and light. And she wanted to shine that light into her friend’s life. After she finished making the card, we prayed together for her friend.

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