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Ohh Christmas Tree…

Posted by on December 16, 2014


We remember a time when putting up the Christmas tree took a short amount of time. We didn’t have to really think it through and we didn’t have to “redecorate” it.  With two small children that really isn’t the case anymore.  This year (so far) we have had to redecorate the Christmas tree, THREE times…  It’s funny because now, we have to think so much more about how we do things.  Gabrielle wants to put ALL the bulbs on the tree and she wants to place the star on top as well.  Charlotte wants to play with all the lights and garland and tangle them up.  Stephanie and I don’t really care what part we do, just want to get it decorated nicely and call it a day.

Doesn’t God act like a parent sometimes?  He does all the things we can’t do (which are many) and organizes the entire event. He also gives us the freedom to explore and create and mess up even when it means the task at hand will take longer. We had to redecorate the tree three times but how many times has He had to redecorate us? Many more than three times, I’m sure.

It’s funny how God can use even this example to show us His character.

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